
Attitudinal Changes Are Necessary To Be The Best Greenie You Can Be

At least you’re trying, right? ​ Well, yes… to an extent. While it is important to acknowledge the effort that we make to preserve the Earth, it is also extremely important to keep empowering ourselves to do more and to do better. The rate of human destruction upon Earth is not slowing despite our current efforts – which indicates that […]

Everything You Need To Know About Plastic

Every single piece of plastic ever made still roams the planet today. What was thought of as a miracle solution to basic challenges in its inception in 1907 has now become of the 21st century’s leading problems. But while plastic pollution is widely known, few understand the why’s and how’s of the process, let alone plastic itself. What is plastic? […]

The Environmental Effects of COVID-19

With fear and uncertainty dominating news and minds, most of the focus of the COVID-19 Pandemic is on its effects on humans and how to mitigate the risk. As we face up to our vulnerability and mortality as a species, it’s understandable that we would be focusing on ourselves. However, the threat of climate change, biodiversity loss, and the looming […]

World Wetland Day

In Ramsar in 1971 February second, The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance was adopted. 2021 is the 150th celebration of World Wetlands Day. A wetland area is identifiable by water being the main characteristic of the landscape. It is an area where the soil is covered with water all year or for varying periods, particularly during the growing season, […]

The Worldwide Water Crisis and How It Can Be Solved

With 1.1 billion people already struggling with a lack of access to abundant fresh water, World Wildlife predicts that two-thirds of the world’s population could face water shortages by 2025. ​ There are numerous reasons for this impending crisis, with the most commonly touted causes including human overpopulation, mismanagement of water resources, over-use of water by Western and privileged people, […]