We Need More of These Green Tech Solutions

Green technology solutions are no longer new concepts. In fact, many companies and households already use green tech products. However, only a few per cent of the world uses these technologies, making its impact lower. People should start to use green tech solutions today to make a significant change in the future. Among these green tech solutions, here are some […]

Recycling isn’t enough, we need to decrease our plastic use.

With the fast and cheap production of single-use plastic ‘disposables’, plastic pollution has been increasing exponentially in recent years. Since the 1950s, approximately 2.3 million tons of plastic has been produced. In 2015, we have seen an astonishing 448 million tons of plastic sold by manufacturers, and these numbers are expected to double by 2050. But at what cost, we […]

Babies as Mass Consumers

Environmentalists spend a lot of time and article-space discussing whether having children is the worst thing one could do for the planet, or whether it actually makes parents more environmentally conscious after bringing a life into the world. Is overpopulation the problem, or overconsumption? ​While I feel that it is important for environmentally conscious people to raise some next generation […]

Unpacking the Latest IPCC Report

​ Unparalleled heat waves in Arizona. Impossible snowfalls in Texas. Uncontrollable wildfires across Europe. Flooding in Germany and China. These are but a few examples of the weather catastrophes sprawling around the globe. The primary cause? Global Warming. ​Caption: Uncontrollable fires are raging across the planet due to global warming. Credit: Matt Palmer, UnsplashThere’s no denying it any longer. Rising […]

The Fires Will Keep Burning..

​…Until we deal with invasive species.In previously colonized countries, one mark on the landscape is rarely noticed but continues to negatively affect people in these areas: invasive plants. ​ The scorch marks green over and people move on, however, the problem still persists and the fires will rage again until it is fixed. The devastating fires in Cape Town, South […]