Piling Up the Proper Way to Compost

Food waste harms everything. From the resources discarded in the production stage and the transportation used to move the produce to the unnecessary area taken up in landfills and the hungry people on the street wishing they had a tiny morsel, the disregard of edible items is causing damage to both the planet and humans – and it’s only getting […]

We Need More of These Green Tech Solutions

Green technology solutions are no longer new concepts. In fact, many companies and households already use green tech products. However, only a few per cent of the world uses these technologies, making its impact lower. People should start to use green tech solutions today to make a significant change in the future. Among these green tech solutions, here are some […]

How Mushrooms Feed Plants and How Modern Agriculture Ruins This.

At the dawn of time, before plants, insects, animals and humans – there were mushrooms. These mushrooms, Prototaxites, looked very different to the little toadstools that we know today – they were 6-foot tall, trunk-like formations whose mycelium (root-like structure) was said to be one of the very first living things to begin converting our hostile rock planet into the […]